SHE campus cohorts serve as a safe space where collegiate women of color are seen, heard and encouraged to achieve their limitless potential. Additionally, campus cohorts serve as an inclusive learning space for the larger community on issues of race, politics, economics, arts, and culture, as they relate to the identities and experiences of women of color. SHE on Campus serves two central communities: college and high school students. On campus, SHE empowers young women of color to better themselves and serve their communities by hosting quarterly workshops that focus on the “4 P's", which prioritize teaching personal, professional, pocket (financial), and philosophical goal setting techniques. SHE also conducts a college-to-high school mentorship program, “Sister to Sister", where SHE Leaders help guide young high schoolers within their communities towards creating and fulfilling personal and scholastic goals.
SHE Collegiate Cohorts provides a safe space that prioritizes community building and personal development. Oftentimes, safe spaces are described as a shelter from outside perspectives and philosophies, but our thought is that they are an integral component of academic support and the development of self advocacy skills. By offering workshops ranging from personal development to financial literacy, we work tirelessly to create a space where students, whether undergraduate or graduate can be met with support not only from their peers but from professional facilitators as well.
SHE Collegiate Cohorts serve as a safe space where young women are seen, heard and encouraged to achieve their limitless potential.

SHE On Campus
Genesis De Los Santos CU'23, Jaala Alston CU'22, Carolyn Martinez CU'23.